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Samsung President Roh Tae-moon (Samsung Newsroom)

Roh Tae-moon, president of Samsung Electronics’ mobile business, suggested Wednesday through a blog post that the tech giant will unveil its flagship Galaxy S21 series in January, one month earlier than usual.

Amid mounting rumors that Samsung would roll out the Galaxy S21 lineup next month, Roh raised the expectations of an early launch by saying, “I look forward to sharing more in January!” in his post titled “Samsung defines one-size fits-all mobile experiences with personalized tech, tailor-made for life in 2021.”

Market observers say the new Galaxy S series would be unveiled on Jan. 14 and go on sale from Jan. 29.

Roh also hinted at a broader adoption of Samsung’s stylus S Pen for more devices other than the Galaxy Note as well as expansion of foldable phones to the company’s portfolio.

“We’ll be expanding our portfolio of foldables, so this groundbreaking category is more accessible to everyone,” he said. “We’ve also been paying attention to people’s favorite aspects of the Galaxy Note experience and are excited to add some of its most well-loved features to other devices in our lineup.”

Some speculate that Samsung would discontinue production of the Galaxy Note phones this year. Instead, the Note device’s unique S Pen feature would be added to the S21 and foldable models.

Considering that the teleworking and virtual experiences would continue under the pandemic next year, Roh pledged that Samsung would deliver technologies from advanced camera, seamless network and multitasking capabilities on mobile devices.

“Samsung Galaxy will be more than ready to meet the demands of the video-obsessed in 2021,” he said. “When it comes to advancement in this space, it’s going to be an epic new year.”

By Song Su-hyun (song@heraldcorp.com)

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